Tuesday 30 August 2011

Procedure for Installing and Running Compatibility Test Suite (Android)

 1.Download and extract (untar) CTS package from http://dl.google.com/dl/android/cts/android-cts-2.3_r5-x86.zip

2. Download and extract (untar) Google Android SDK from http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r12-linux_86.tgz and install.

Set up the connection between Host and Platform as mentioned below.

ADB Connection

Following is the step to use adb with your device using Ethernet, Connect your ethernet cable to your device and PC.


in Minicom
#setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
#stop adbd
#start adbd

After this in Home, launch Settings, in EthernetConfiguration,
change the ip address to static ip

give ip address like (first three should match with your network address)

In your PC,
Before connecting the Ethernet cable in a termainal

> ifconfig
it will give the eth0 address like ( note it down
We need to this, as we remove the Ethernet cable from our network and connect with the device

Now connect the device with Ethernet cable and check in you PC terminal

# ifconfig

eth0 will be not present

# ifconfig eth0 up

then  go to your Android folder and set the PATH (this is done for your adb to execute)

root@subhalak-lpt:~# cd android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/

root@subhalak-lpt:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools# PATH=~/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools:$PATH


Now from your pc, coonect the device using the device IP Address

# adb connect

# adb devices

will list all the devices

#adb install /downloads/example.apk

will install the apk files


connect the Ethernet cable of the device to the network (don't connect to the PC, connect it to the network)

while booting BLAZE/PANDBOARD,

ip = dhcp (in bootargs)

setenv bootargs androidboot.console=ttyO2 console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootdelay=2 init=/init vram="10M" omapfb.vram="0:4M" ip=dhcp
setenv bootcmd 'mmcinit 0; fatload mmc 0 0x80000000 uImage;bootm 80000000'
run bootcmd

if you have not done this in Minicom,


# netcfg eth0 up

# netcfg eth0 dhcp

# setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555

# stop adbd
Disabling adb


#start adbd

You will get the ip address of your device
now FROM PC,
hence  go to your Android folder and set the PATH (this is done for your adb to execute)

root@subhalak-lpt:~# cd android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/

root@subhalak-lpt:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools# PATH=~/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools:$PATH


Now from your pc, coonect the device using the device IP Address

# adb connect (device IP address what you got in netcfg for eth0)

# adb devices

will list all the devices

#adb install /downloads/example.apk

Eg: #adb install –r Desktop/shiv/android-cts/repository/testcases/

will install the apk files.

Launch The CTS

# Android-cts/tools/ ./startcts
Eg: root@asmaitha:~/Desktop/shiv/android-cts/tools. /startcts

Android CTS version 2.1_r1

Device(emulator-5555) connected


cts_host>ls - -plan

It will list all the available plans.

cts_host>start - -plan Signature

CTS_INFO >>> Checking API...

CTS_INFO >>> This might take several minutes, please be patient...


Test summary: pass=1 fail=0 timeOut=0 notExecuted=0 Total=1
Time: 202.363s

$  This will produce results in out/host/linux-x86/cts/android-cts/repository/results/$session_date, where$session_date can be 2010.05.20_10.42.58. Contents of this directory:
 Results.xml file looks like below.

Friday 29 April 2011

Flight of Robots

Hi friends

How are you???Hope all of u doing well
This is my first posting to our blog ,I am going to give u information about flying of robots.It is invented by our company FESTO,I am very proud to be part of festo family.Recently it was published in MUMBAI MIRROR BUREAU on april 1 2011
German researchers have invented a flying robot that mimics the way birds move during flight. The device is so bird like that it could be mistaken for the real thing from a distance 
One of the oldest dreams of mankind is to fly like a bird - to move freely through the air in all dimensions and to take a “bird’s-eye view” of the world from a distance.

No less fascinating is bird flight in itself. Birds achieve lift and remain airborne using only the muscle power of their wings, with which they generate the necessary thrust to overcome the air resistance and set their bodies in motion - without any rotating “components”.
Left: The composite image showing how the wings move Right: An engineer launches the Smartbird
Nature has ingeniously achieved the functional integration of lift and propulsion. Birds measure, control and regulate their motion through the air continuously and fully autonomously in order merely to survive. For this purpose they use their sense organs. Not a bird brain The SmartBird, inspired by the herring gull,is an ultralight but powerful flight model with excellent aerodynamic qualities and extreme agility. The can even start, fly and land autonomously - with no additional drive mechanism making it energy efficient. Its wings can not only beat up and down, but also twist at specific angles. The engineers at Festo’s Bionic Learning Network who developed the Smartbird were facinated by the idea of building an artificial bird that could take off, fly and land by means of flapping wings alone. Flapping is not easy Flapping-wing flight comprises two principal movements. First, the wings beat up and down creating lift. Second, the wing twists in such a way that its leading edge is directed 
The tail of SmartBird also produces lift; it functions as both a pitch elevator and a rudder. When the bird flies in a straight line, the V-position of its two flapping wings stabilises it in a similar way to a conventional vertical stabiliser of an aircraft. On-board electronics allow precise and efficient control of the wing position. For this purpose, a powerful microcontroller calculates the optimal setting for the motors, which adjust the torsion of each wing. The wing’s position and torsion are monitored by two-way radio communication, by means of which operating data are conveyed such as battery charge, power consumption and input by the pilot. Together with the electronic control system and intelligent monitoring the mechanism to adapt to new situations within a fraction of a second. 

                                                                       -  VIJAY JAVALI